January 11th, 2023
In a series of posts we have examined eIDAS with a lingering question: Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – like bugs in computer software? eIDAS is the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states. The time has arrived for a summary.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 9: eIDAS at the Crossroads Between Law and Technology
November 15th, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? In a series of posts we have examined eIDAS, the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in EU states. If this legislation is viewed as a software development project – how does it measure up against the state of the art in software engineering?
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 8: eIDAS as Software Engineering
November 1st, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? In a series of posts we have examined eIDAS, the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states. It is time for some action.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 7: eIDAS Urgent Amendments
October 28th, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? In a series of posts we have found flaws of commission and omission in eIDAS, the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states. Now it’s time for terminology.
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October 26th, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? This is a series of posts where we take a bottom-up view of eIDAS, the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 5: eIDAS and Personal Identity
October 21st, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? This is a series of posts where we dissect eIDAS, the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 4: eIDAS and Trust Services
October 18th, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? This is a series of posts where we examine eIDAS, the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states, and its consequences.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 3: eIDAS Meets Engineering
October 14th, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? In this post we will find out more about how eIDAS handles digital DNA. eIDAS is the EU law that controls online identification and online signatures for the public sector in all EU states.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 2: eIDAS Without Digital DNA
October 12th, 2022
Can legislation have bugs? That is, can it contain “errors or imperfections that reduce reliability, performance, or user experience” – just like bugs do in computer software? If so, surely only obscure law in obscure corners of the world? Not eIDAS, a major piece of legislation controlling public sector online services in all of the EU? Please no, tell me no.
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Comments Off on Buggy Law 1: eIDAS, An Experience
April 6th, 2022
Digitala underskrifter förenklar livet. Det gäller både privat och offentlig sektor. Varje underskrift är juridik i praktisk handling. Eller förresten. Det kanske är IT i praktisk handling?
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