Archive: June, 2010

Network versus Relational: Part III

In previous posts (original post, follow up) I ran small database performance tests involving Neo4j (a graph or network database) and Apache Derby (a relational database). Both are Java-based.

How about running the same tests with trusty old PostgreSQL? Neo4j and Apache Derby were both embedded in the test application. There was no database server, although Derby may be run in client-server mode.

PostgreSQL is a fully featured RDBMS firmly founded on the classical client-server architecture. It’s been around for ages. The server is coded in C.

The PostgreSQL logo is a stylized head of an elephant. If you think it’s a symbol of heavy feet you are in for a surprise.
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Network versus Relational: Part II

In a recent post I ran a simplistic database performance test involving Neo4j (a graph or network database) and Apache Derby (a relational database). Both are Java-based. Relational databases are challenged by deep hierarchies, so the test was exactly that: Build a deep hierarchy and retrieve data from it.

The retrieval test was a surprise because relational Derby seemed to perform better than Neo4j.

Anders Nawroth, Neo Technology, correctly commented that the retrieval test case searches for any file in a hierarchy, i.e. the search is independent of the hierarchy. The relational test program took advantage of this fact while Neo4j traversed the the graph.

In the interest of fairness this post digs somewhat deeper into the retrieval test case. The results are intriguing.
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Network versus Relational

It’s time for the long awaited Network versus Relational database head-to-head, no-mercy showdown. Network databases is represented by Neo4j 1.0, relational by Apache Derby
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